Weißer Penja Pfeffer
Entdecken Sie unseren weißen Penja Pfeffer, ein Juwel der Reife und subtilen Aromen
Der weiße Penja Pfeffer, bekannt als "Poivre blanc de Penja", ist eine exquisite Gewürzsorte aus den sonnenverwöhnten Feldern Kameruns. Mit seinem milden und dennoch komplexen Geschmacksprofil verleiht dieser hochwertige Pfeffer Ihren Gerichten eine raffinierte Note.
Hervorgegangen aus vollreifem Penja Rotpfeffer wird er sanft gereinigt, um nur das Herz zu bewahren. Für 10 Tage in Wasser aus den vulkanischen Böden getaucht, offenbart er seine natürliche weiße Pracht. Der traditionelle Röstprozess, bei dem jeder Pfefferkorn sorgfältig behandelt wird, führt zu einer präzisen Auswahl der "großen" Körner.
Weniger scharf als der Penja Schwarzpfeffer, offenbart unser Weißpfeffer eine warme holzige Note und eine unvergleichliche Mundfülle.
Preis: 17 €* für 100g (*ohne Versand)
Verwendung und Empfehlungen für den weißen Penja Pfeffer in Gerichten
Der weiße Penja Pfeffer bringt eine subtile Schärfe und raffinierte Aromen in Ihre Gerichte. Hier sind einige Verwendungsmöglichkeiten und Empfehlungen:
Helle Soßen und Suppen: Verwenden Sie Penja Weißpfeffer in hellen Soßen und Suppen, um eine milde Schärfe und ein feines Aroma hinzuzufügen.
Fischgerichte: Betonen Sie den delikaten Geschmack von Fischgerichten, indem Sie Penja Weißpfeffer in Marinaden oder direkt über den Fisch streuen.
Hühnchen und Geflügel: Verleihen Sie Hühnchen- und Geflügelgerichten mit Penja Weißpfeffer eine subtile, aber würzige Note.
Gemüsegerichte: Ergänzen Sie gedünstetes oder gebratenes Gemüse mit Penja Weißpfeffer für eine feine, würzige Nuance.
Kartoffelgerichte: Streuen Sie Penja Weißpfeffer über Kartoffelgerichte wie Kartoffelpüree oder Bratkartoffeln für eine elegante Würze.
Helle Saucen für Pasta: Integrieren Sie Penja Weißpfeffer in helle Pasta-Saucen, um eine feine Schärfe und ein komplexes Aroma zu erzielen.
☝️ Tipp: Frisch gemahlenen Penja Weißpfeffer kurz vor dem Servieren verwenden, um das maximale Aroma zu erhalten. Experimentieren Sie mit den Mengen, um den gewünschten Geschmack zu erreichen und genießen Sie die subtile Raffinesse dieses hochwertigen Weißpfeffers.
Agropole Poivre de Penja
Production, transformation, and commercialization of Penja pepper
Reference: IFA V4 0_July 2017
Creation Date: January 01, 2020
Update: July 15, 2020
Effective Date: July 01, 2020
Global GAP Standard
Technical data sheet
Penja Pepper.
Product labeled as "Poivre de Penja" by OAPI
Protected Geographical Indication (PGI Penja Pepper)
Berries from clusters rigorously harvested, sorted, and hand-washed at maturity
Ripening process of berries in a regularly renewed bath of fresh water over a period of 10 days.
Berries sun-dried until achieving a 10% to 13% moisture content with a powdery crack under the tooth.
Seed sanitary quality preserved by rigorous protection against dust, animal droppings, rehydration, and foreign bodies.
Manjo District, Mougo Department; Littoral Region, CAMEROON
Exploitation located on the East side of the volcanic massif of Mount Koupé, from which it derives its uniqueness
Volcanic soil with rare basaltic base and exceptional fertility
Unique microclimate watering matured berries with gentle sunlight and constant and unique air humidity
Cultivation Conditions
Hand-weeded soil to avoid the use of chemical herbicides
2.5 kg of organic manure per pepper plant per year through an internal organic matter production system
"Chemical fertilization supplement per plant in production with 35 g of nitrogen fertilizing unit, 20 g of phosphorus fertilizing unit, 60 g of potassium fertilizing unit through mineral fertilizers, and a supply of trace elements through foliar fertilizers."
Control of infestations of berries and roots with chemicals of toxicological class 3
Seed conservation duration: 03 years
Storage conditions: dry and ventilated environment maintaining moisture level between 10% and 13%
Very aromatic with a round and pungent bouquet
Medium to strong spiciness and very pronounced fragrance
Clean white milk color grains. Gray or slightly brown variant acceptable.
Intended Use
Cooking spice, pastry, and biscuit
Universal natural food flavor enhancer
Powerful natural food preservative
Extractor of essential oil for pharmacology and cosmetics
Allergen Conditions
Spice not recommended for asthmatic and gastric individuals
Packaging Conditions
Vacuum packaging
Packaging in food-grade kraft paper, aluminum box, or food-grade plastic bag
Packaging in containers of: 50g, 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg, and 25kg.
Quality objectives at harvest
Type: PREMIUM (PBP - Classe: 1)
Minimum accepted selective quality at the field edge: At least 90% of the clusters with a minimum of 02 red berries.
Cluster treatment: Manual separation of red berries from other berries after stemming.
Cluster treatment: Berries are washed separately with clean water to eliminate impurities.
Retting process: Changing retting water daily for 10 days.
Type: GRADE 1 (PBG - Classe: 2)
Minimum accepted selective quality at the field edge: Between 75% and 90% of the clusters with a minimum of 02 red berries
Cluster treatment: Manual separation of red berries from other berries after stemming
Cluster treatment: Berries are washed separately with clean water to eliminate impurities
Retting process: Changing retting water every 02 days for 10 days
Type: GRADE 2 (PBG - Classe 3)
Minimum accepted selective quality at the field edge: Less than 75% of the clusters with a minimum of 02 red berries
Cluster treatment: Preservation of red and other berries on the clusters
Cluster treatment: Clusters undergo no washing
Retting process: Changing retting water every 03 or 04 days for 10 days
Quality objectives after drying
Type: PREMIUM (PBP - Classe: 1)
Apparent coloration: At least 95% of the seeds are from "clean white" to "off-white."
Minimum size: 3 mm
Maximum size: 5.5 mm
Apparent coloration: Clean white
Moisture content: 13%
Seed shape: 95% clean round
Percentage of mature seeds with stripes: 0% to 5%
Percentage of dark-colored seeds: 10%
Percentage of berry breakage: Less than 5%
Percentage of foreign matter: 0%
Bulk density (g/l): 680
Aflatoxin B1 (mg/l): Less than 5
Aflatoxin B1 + B2 + G1 + G2 (mg/l): Less than 10
Ochratoxins (mg/l): Less than 15
Type: GRADE 1 (PBG - Classe: 2)
Apparent coloration: 60% to 90% of the seeds are from "clean white" to "off-white."
Minimum size: 2 mm
Maximum size: 3 mm
Apparent coloration: Milk white
Moisture content: 13%
Seed shape: 75% round and 25% oblong or flat
Percentage of mature seeds with stripes: 5% to 15%
Percentage of dark-colored seeds: 10% to 20%
Percentage of berry breakage: Maximum 10%
Percentage of foreign matter: Less than 5%
Bulk density (g/l): 650
Aflatoxin B1 (mg/l): Less than 5
Aflatoxin B1 + B2 + G1 + G2 (mg/l): Less than 10
Ochratoxins (mg/l): Less than 15
Type: GRADE 2 (PBG - Classe 3)
Apparent coloration: Less than 60% of the seeds are from "clean white" to "off-white."
Minimum size: Less than 2 mm
Maximum size: 2 mm
Apparent coloration: Gray
Moisture content: 13%
Seed shape: 50% round and 50% oblong or flat
Percentage of mature seeds with stripes: More than 15%
Percentage of dark-colored seeds: More than 20%
Percentage of berry breakage: More than 10%
Percentage of foreign matter: 5% to 10%
Bulk density (g/l): 580
Aflatoxin B1 (mg/l): Higher than 5
Aflatoxin B1 + B2 + G1 + G2 (mg/l): Higher than 10
Ochratoxins (mg/l): Higher than 15